Calavera Hills Village H North Trail
Located north and east of Carlsbad Village Drive, this .5 mile trail wanders through a Eucalyptus grove and also eastward to Hope Elementary School at Tamarack Avenue. The trail traverses a narrow, long canyon with coastal sage and hilltops and slopes with groves of eucalyptus trees. Wildlife spotted here include, kites, red shouldered hawks and various nesting raptors in the eucalyptus groves.
Note: The eucalyptus grove located next to Victoria Lane and near the intersection of Havershill Street is not a public trail. The public trail for Village H-North is located north on Carlsbad Village Drive approximately 500' north of the intersection of Carlsbad Village Drive and Victoria Lane. An informational kiosk and City of Carlsbad trail regulation sign are located at the trail head for the public trail head located along Carlsbad Village Drive.
- Terrain: Unpaved
- Distance: 0.5
- Difficulty: Moderate to Difficult
Parking: I-5 to Carlsbad Village Drive Continue east on Carlsbad Village Drive, cross El Camino Real and continue for about 2 miles (past the Ann D. L'Herueux Dog Park) Turn right on Victoria Lane. City trail is on north side of Carlsbad Village Drive. Parking is available on the south side of Victoria Lane. Parking is located at Victoria Lane at intersection of Carlsbad Village Drive